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Инфо Krosmaster Arena Events

Krosmaster Arena Event est l'endroit où vous pourrez poster vos souhaits ou vos idées de tournois (dates, formats, etc...) afin que les joueurs puissent se retrouver pour des moments de jeux conviviaux et bien organisés!
Krosmaster Arena Event is where you can post your wishes or your tournament ideas (dates, formats, etc ...) so that players can meet for friendly and well-organized games!
Prochains tournois / Next tournaments:

Anciens tournois / Previous tournaments

• Krosmoz Cup - Nb One - Remingtons Pulsar
243 pts / 18-08-2018 / Swiss Round
1ᵉʳ - valteer / 2ᵉ - jupel / 3ᵉ - salemome / 4ᵉ - Goettchen / 5ᵉ - blueeyewth / 6ᵉ - Yssiria / 7ᵉ - Percimou / 8ᵉ - Noma-D-amoN / 9ᵉ - Neuros / 10ᵉ - albbara / 11ᵉ - OsakaRedbeard

• Krosmoz Cup - Nb Two - Dokfa Furia
315 pts / 24-08-2018 / Single elimination
1ᵉʳ - valteer / 2ᵉ - Guly / 3ᵉ - Yssiria - Goettchen / 5ᵉ - Percimou - albbara - jupel - kesi104 / 9ᵉ - OsakaRedbeard - cahir - Noma-D-amoN

• Krosmoz Cup - Nb Three - Ylook Frozen
604 pts / 14-09-2018 / Round Robin
1ᵉʳ - nicoolivera / 2ᵉ - SIay / 3ᵉ - Goettchen / 4ᵉ - Noma-D-amoN / 5ᵉ - albbara / 6ᵉ - Achille127 / 7ᵉ - WeisserRiese81 / 8ᵉ - Yssiria/ 9ᵉ - OsakaRedbeard / 10ᵉ - Tebij /

• Krosmoz Cup - Nb Three - Daïe Guéri Words
335 pts / 14-09-2018 / Single Elimination
1ᵉʳ - ZOMBOO / 2ᵉ - Percimou / 3ᵉ - Achille127 - Viscido1 / 5ᵉ - albbara - Yssiria - Noma-D-amoN - Tebij / 9ᵉ - surfeur_dargent - OsakaRedbeard - WeisserRiese81

• Krosmoz Cup Number Four - Quentin Flood
208 pts / 26-09-2018 / Swiss System (7 matches)
1ᵉʳ - valteer / 2ᵉ - ZOMBOO / 3ᵉ - Noma-D-amoN / 4ᵉ - Viscido1 / 5ᵉ - albbara / 6ᵉ - Yssiria / 7ᵉ - OsakaRedbeard /

• Krosmoz Cup Little Mini Cup One
29 pts / 12-10-2018 / Single elimination
1ᵉʳ - Yssiria / 2ᵉ - Noma-D-amoN / 3ᵉ - Achille127 - albbara

• Krosmoz Cup - Everybody Plays
214 pts / 18-10-2018 / Single elimination
1ᵉʳ - Goettchen / 2ᵉ - ZOMBOO / 3ᵉ -albbara / Noma-D-amoN / 5ᵉ - cahir / OnkelOdy / Yssiria /

EXPLANATION: Final victory : +10 points / second place: +5 points / Third place : +3 points / Every match victory : +1 point (/!\ For Mini cups: final victory : +3 points)
|| 1st - valteer...............................................................................(45 points)
|| 2nd - ZOOMBO.........................................................................(24 points)
|| 3rd - nicoolivera........................................................................(19 points)
|| 4th - Noma-D-amoN..................................................................(17 points)
|| 5th - goettchen..........................................................................(16 points)
|| 6th - Yssiria ..............................................................................(15 points)
|| 7th - Slay ..................................................................................(13 points)
|| 8th - albbara , jupel ..................................................................(10 points)
|| 10th - Percimou , Achille 127......................................................( 9 points)
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