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Отчёты Azul. Летний дворец
#126627: "Hard to see placed tiles"
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Предложение: по моему мнению, это действительно улучшит реализацию игры
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• Пожалуйста, точно и кратко опишите своё предложение, чтобы сделать его наиболее доступным для понимания.
I'm finding it hard to tell when a slot has been occupied. I'm looking mainly for the omission of the number of required tiles in order to fill a slot, because the placed tile icon is too similar to the design of an unplaced tile.• Какой обозреватель вы используете?
Mozilla v5
История отчёта
7 июн 2024 18:45 •
Chutch • Разработчики ещё не проанализировали это предложение:
7 июн 2024 22:09 • I feel like this is valid. Not sure how to remedy it, but I have had the same issue.
thoun • Разработчики согласны, что это хорошая идея, и будут работать над этим:
7 июн 2024 22:11 • One solution I see would be to show a visible number when the slots are not taken. It will be easier to read them when you can play, and you'll know the slot is not taken if you see this number.
Rarabel • Разработчики согласны, что это хорошая идея, и будут работать над этим:
10 июн 2024 22:04 • One solution I would suggest is to make the board spaces much more faded (can be just a question of lowering opacity). Came here to submit the same issue. The tiles and the board spaces are the same color and in 2d it's extremely frustrating.
thoun • Это предложение реализовано:
11 июн 2024 22:25 • I added my solution. I will let it a few days to see how it works.
4everblessed • Это предложение реализовано:
12 июн 2024 19:50 • I'm struggling to differentiate where tiles are on the board. I agree with the suggestion maybe to fade the background more, creating a higher contrast. Not a fan of fashing tiles. Thank you.
Chutch • Это предложение реализовано:
13 июн 2024 11:35 • My wife has a red/green color blind deficiency. The new style of numbers helped her a lot. She wound up beating me. Please, bring the old style back! Haha. Just kidding. Thank you for your thoughtful considerations and implementations. Excited for this game to reach the community.
KF_Greens_508 • Это предложение реализовано:
21 июн 2024 18:20 • I just played this game for the first time and I was really struggling differentiating placed tiles vs empty spaces. Came here to see if anyone had raised this. Surprised to see something had been implemented, I never even noticed the numbers were disappearing as tiles were placed. Went back to watch an in progress game so see how it worked and agree that it’s helpful, but it’s hard since so many of the same number are close to each other. Visually, I think it could still be really improved by changing the contrast- making the tiles brighter/shinier and making the board duller/grayer. Maybe play with the outline of the tile or something to visually give it height? Overall, fantastic game and really enjoying it!
RetroFlav2000 • Это предложение реализовано:
22 июн 2024 8:03 • Even with the latest implementation, I'm still struggling to tell the difference between which tiles have been placed and which haven't. I NEED greater colour contrast PLEASE.
walkie • Это предложение реализовано:
15 июл 2024 18:12 • The difference between placed and unplaced tiles is still way too subtle in my opinion. It is very hard to tell where tiles have been placed and where they haven't.
I agree with other commenters that fading the background more to create a higher contrast could be a good solution.
I agree with other commenters that fading the background more to create a higher contrast could be a good solution.
SalmonTooth • Это предложение реализовано:
15 авг 2024 17:24 • This is still a huge issue, even with the numbers only on available slots. Please desaturate the colors on the board to make this game playable. It's how the original Azul works.
Swfcdan • Это предложение реализовано:
2 сен 2024 18:17 • Agree with the above, still a problem as the colours are too similar and don't want to be looking for the small numbers each time.
janlugt • Это предложение реализовано:
22 сен 2024 22:02 • Agree that this is still an issue, you have to look very carefully to see which tiles are placed already. In the physical game it's much easier to see. +1 for desaturating the colors on the board, I think that will help a lot.
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