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Отчёты Elfenland. Волшебное Путешествие
#21852: "The game fills until 8 cards. But the official Dutch rules say to draw 8 new cards"
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The Dutch rulebook make it very clear that a new round adds 8 cards to the hand, giving a maximum of 12 cards in the hand. The rules as implemented only fills the hand back to 8 cards.• Видно ли нарушение правил в повторе игры? Если да, то на каком ходу?
The end of each round is not according to the rules.• Какой обозреватель вы используете?
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wizztick • Разработчики ещё не воспроизвели ошибку:
30 июл 2020 1:15 • The Dutch version of the website points at the Dutch rulebook, this creates quite a bit confusion. It would be great if selecting the ruleset as an option. (fill hand vs draw 8)?
This is discussed at boardgamearena.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=80&t=15737
Page 11 at www.gebruikershandleiding.com/999-games-Elfenland/preview-handleiding-574908.html mentions this rule. Translated into English: "He distributes eight new travel cards to all players. The players have between zero and four cards from the previous turn. Thus they have eight to twelve travel cards the next turn."
This is discussed at boardgamearena.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=80&t=15737
Page 11 at www.gebruikershandleiding.com/999-games-Elfenland/preview-handleiding-574908.html mentions this rule. Translated into English: "He distributes eight new travel cards to all players. The players have between zero and four cards from the previous turn. Thus they have eight to twelve travel cards the next turn."
Gudo Bosch • Разработчики ещё не воспроизвели ошибку:
29 ноя 2020 21:14 • Also the official English rules say: "At the end of the player's turn, the number of cards he holds in his hand is reduced to four'". So you can keep 4 cards for the next round, which means you can have 12 cards in the following round.
Volker78 • Это не ошибка:
29 ноя 2020 21:22 •
29 ноя 2020 21:30 •
29 ноя 2020 21:34 •
29 ноя 2020 21:44 • This is from the english rules:
1. Deal The Travel Tards
On the first round, the Starting Player shuffles the Travel Cards and
deals 8 cards to each player. The remaining cards are placed in a
stack next to the board. On subsequent rounds, the Starting Player
shuffles all Travel Cards from the Travel Card stack. He then deals
new Travel Cards to each player until each player holds eight
Travel Cards in his hand.
1. Deal The Travel Tards
On the first round, the Starting Player shuffles the Travel Cards and
deals 8 cards to each player. The remaining cards are placed in a
stack next to the board. On subsequent rounds, the Starting Player
shuffles all Travel Cards from the Travel Card stack. He then deals
new Travel Cards to each player until each player holds eight
Travel Cards in his hand.
Gudo Bosch • Это не ошибка:
29 ноя 2020 22:11 •
29 ноя 2020 22:15 • Aus den deutschen Regeln: "Am Ende des Zuges wird die Anzahl der Karten auf der Hand auf 4 reduziert."
wizztick • Это не ошибка:
29 ноя 2020 22:44 • There are very clearly different rules around. I would much appreciate the option to play to the rules me and my friends know. \
People that own the hard-copy of the game hold up their copy of the official rule book that came with the game and it's hard to explain that on this platform their rules are not supported. If it was a detail, it would have been alright, but this rule changes the game dynamics quite a lot
Is it possible to have an option to select 'keep up-to 4 cards et the end of a round and deal 8 cards each round'? I don't care if it is a defect or not, as long as I have that rule set as an option, I'm happy.
People that own the hard-copy of the game hold up their copy of the official rule book that came with the game and it's hard to explain that on this platform their rules are not supported. If it was a detail, it would have been alright, but this rule changes the game dynamics quite a lot
Is it possible to have an option to select 'keep up-to 4 cards et the end of a round and deal 8 cards each round'? I don't care if it is a defect or not, as long as I have that rule set as an option, I'm happy.
Volker78 • Это не ошибка:
30 ноя 2020 5:47 • Dutch rules have a translation bug and should be reported to the Dutch publisher.
Koo-Lin • Это не ошибка:
30 ноя 2020 10:04 • Can we upgrade this bug report to a feature request? Or do we need to create a new one.
I do agree with @wizztick that this drawing of 8 cards opens a new strategic possibilities. I would be nice to allow others to also experience this extra level of strategy in Elfenland.
I do agree with @wizztick that this drawing of 8 cards opens a new strategic possibilities. I would be nice to allow others to also experience this extra level of strategy in Elfenland.
Silvia2020 • Это не ошибка:
6 мар 2021 23:11 • We are used to the Dutch rules (every round 8 extra cards; resulting in a total of max 12 cards), and this does give nice strategy options.
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