Каверна. Пещерные фермеры
Каверна: Пещерные фермеры - это игра на выставление рабочих, в которой основное внимание уделяется фермерству. В игре вы - бородатый лидер маленькой семьи гномов, которая живет в маленькой пещере в горах. Вы начинаете игру с фермером и его супругой, и каждый член фермерской семьи представляет собой действие, которое игрок может совершать каждый ход. Вместе вы возделываете лес перед своей пещерой и копаете вглубь горы. Вы обустраиваете пещеры как жилища для своих отпрысков, а также как рабочие помещения для небольших предприятий.
Лишь от вас зависит, сколько руды вам добывать. Она понадобится для создания оружия, что позволит вашему гному совершать вылазки за трофеями, что принесут вам ресурсы и даже действия. Прорывая себе путь сквозь гору вы можете встретить источник воды или залежи руды и рубинов, что увеличит ваше благосостояние. Богатство можно увеличить, мудро распорядившись пространством перед вашей пещерой: вы можете вырубать лес, чтобы распахать поля или огородить пастбища для разведения скота. С ростом вашего хозяйства стоит задуматься о прибавлении в семействе ради новых рабочих рук. По итогам партии победителем становится владелец наиболее эффективно развитого хозяйства.
Игроков: 1 - 7
Длительность игры: 57 mn
Сложность: 3 / 5
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Краткие правила
Food conversion
One of | Amount of Food |
2 gold, donkey, sheep, grain | 1 food |
3 gold, boar, vegetables, ruby | 2 food |
4 gold, 2 donkeys, cattle | 3 food |
Phase Order
- Field: Remove 1 Grain or Vegetable token from each sown Field on your Home board and place it in your personal supply
- Feed: Feed your Dwarfs by paying 2 Food per Dwarf in your cave. Offspring that were born during the current round only consume 1 Food for this round.
- Breed: If you have at least 2 Farm animals of the same type, you get exactly 1 additional (baby) animal of that type – but only if the new animal can be accommodated on your Home board.
Harvest Events
- Rounds 1-2: No Harvest
- Round 3: Harvest
- Round 4: No harvest but instead you have to pay 1 Food per Dwarf in your cave. There is no Field or Breeding phase at this time.
- Rounds 5-12: Harvest by default. 3 randomly hidden red question marks
- 1st question mark: No Harvest
- 2nd question mark: Pay 1 Food per Dwarf instead of harvest
- 3rd question mark: Skip the Field phase or the Breeding phase (your choice)
Final Scoring
- 1 Gold per Farm animal and Dog: Each animal is worth 1 Gold point at the end of the game, even Dogs. (Dogs are not considered Farm animals.)
- -2 Gold per missing type of Farm animal: At the end of the game, you should have at least 1 Sheep, 1 Donkey, 1 Wild boar and 1 Cattle. You lose 2 Gold points for each of these types that you do not have on your Home board. (You do not need to have any Dogs.)
- 1⁄2 Gold per Grain (rounded up): Count all of your Grain tokens – both those in your supply and those still left on Fields. Divide this number by 2 and round it up. This is the number of Gold points you get for Grain.
- 1 Gold per Vegetable: Count all of your Vegetable tokens – both those in your supply and those still left on Fields. You get this number of Gold points for Vegetables.
- 1 Gold per Ruby: At the end of the game, each Ruby is worth 1 Gold point.
- 1 Gold per Dwarf: At the end of the game, each of your Dwarfs is worth 1 Gold point.
- -1 Gold per unused space: Count the number of spaces on your Home board that have no tile or Stable on them. You lose 1 Gold point for each such space. The two pre-printed Caverns of your cave system are considered used. (Unfurnished Caverns are also considered used.)
- Gold for Furnishing tiles, Pastures and Mines: Add up the Gold point values on all of your tiles. Small pastures are worth 2 Gold points, Large pastures are worth 4 Gold points (regardless of the type and number of animals on those tiles). Ore mines are worth 3 Gold points, Ruby mines are worth 4 Gold points (regardless of whether they hold a Donkey or not). The value of a Furnishing tile is printed on the right of the tile, right under the name of the tile.
- Bonus points for Parlors, Storages and Chambers: Most of the Furnishing tiles called Parlors, Storages and Chambers (indicated by the yellow name tag) may be worth Bonus points depending on the condition they impose.
- Gold coins and Begging markers: Add up the values on your Gold coins and subtract 3 Gold points from that for each Begging marker you have.
Caverna Errata
Solo Game accumulating
There is a misprint in the "Refilling the accumulating spaces" section of the solo game rules on page 24 of the official PDF Rules:
Rule as written:
Before refilling the accumulating spaces, check if there are any spaces with more than 6 goods. Remove all the goods from all of the spaces where this is the case and return them to the general supply. For each Ruby you spend, you can prevent this from happening for one of these spaces. The goods on the accumulating spaces that you paid a Ruby for will be safe for another round. (This way an accumulating space may accumulate more than 6 goods.)
Corrected as:
Before refilling the accumulating spaces, check if there are any spaces with 6 or more goods. Remove all the goods from all of the spaces where this is the case and return them to the general supply. For each Ruby you spend, you can prevent this from happening for one of these spaces. The goods on the accumulating spaces that you paid a Ruby for will be safe for another round. (This way an accumulating space may accumulate more than 6 goods.)
In a solo game, if you end your turn with 6 (not 7) goods on a space. It will be cleared before being refilled unless a ruby is spent.
Grzegorz Kobiela (Designer/Publisher)