Inside Job
Агенты работают вместе, выполняя задания и собирая разведданные, но кто такой «Инсайдер»?
Вы группа секретных агентов, и вам нужно работать сообща, чтобы выполнить свои миссии. Но будьте осторожны! Среди вас скрывается инсайдер, который саботирует вас на каждом шагу и по пути собирает секретную информацию. В этой (в основном) кооперативной карточной игре на взятки вы проскальзываете в роли под прикрытием. Кто ведет себя подозрительно? Кому вы можете доверять? Выполните миссию с каждой взяткой и выясните, кто инсайдер.
(В основном) кооперативная карточная игра с розыгрышами для групп от трех до пяти игроков.
Каждый игрок берет на себя роль секретного агента, которому поручены различные миссии, но среди вас скрывается один инсайдер, готовый помешать вашим усилиям!
Сможете ли вы выполнить свои миссии, несмотря на тайного диверсанта, или инсайдер возьмет верх над всеми вами?
Веселая, увлекательная игра для вечеринок, которая не надоедает и имеет множество вариантов усложнения.
Отлично подойдет для любителей социальной дедукции, ролевых или таинственных игр.
Игроков: 3 - 5
Длительность игры: 15 mn
Сложность: 1 / 5
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Краткие правила
If you are an Insider, try to collect a set amount of Intel without being caught by the other players, if you are an Agent then try to get through a certain number of Tricks with special conditions met
Core Concepts
The start player plays a single card as a lead suit
The followers must play to Suit if possible, but otherwise can play any card
The Insider may play any card EVEN if they have a suit card
The player who played the highest value in the lead Suit wins the trick
However, each Mission will determine a Trump suit, if a player plays a Trump then they win instead of the Lead Suit, if multiple play Trump then the highest Trump wins
The start player first draws 2 Mission cards privately, selecting one to play and the other to discard in secret
The central area of a Mission dictates what must be done to win the mission, the lower area shows the Trump suit
After the Mission is selected, the start player commences the trick
Whoever wins the trick, gains 1 Intel
If the mission Succeeded, retain it as a completed mission card
If the mission Failed, return it to the box as a failure
Before moving on to a new trick, check whether either side has won
If a player collects enough Intel required for the Insider to win but is NOT the insider, they flip their role card over to show they are an Agent (If playing with it, this also stops that player from using Wagers)
Game Ends
In a 3/4/5 player game
The Agents win if they complete 9/7/6 Missions
The Insider wins if they obtain 6/5/4 Intel
If neither of these occur by the end of the final trick (2/2/1 cards remaining in hand), the group votes on who the Insider is, if they are correct then Agents win, if incorrect then the Insider wins (you cannot vote for yourself, nor can you vote for someone whose role has been revealed via an effect)
If both win conditions occur in the same round, the Insider wins
Wagers and Special Roles and Risky
Once you feel comfortable, you can introduce Wagers &/or Special Roles &/or Risky
Wagers cannot be taken by the start player or anyone with a revealed role
To Wager, place an Intel token on your played card, this makes it the Trump suit regardless of what it actually is
Whoever wins the trick will gain all Intel Wagered
If there is a tie, because both the real trump card and the Wagered card share the same value, the card which was played later in the round wins
Special Roles require a 4 or 5 player count
All Special Roles in a given game are known before dealing them secretly
If you use the Professional then you do NOT use the normal Insider
It is generally recommended to only have one or two special roles, the rest being normal Agents/insider
Risky introduces four Missions which lean towards aiding the Insider and are shuffled into the regular deck