BuyWord - это игра в слова с изюминкой. Вы платите хорошую звонкую монету, чтобы купить свои буквы, а затем составляете слово, чтобы продать его с прибылью, если сможете. Ваш выигрыш зависит от количества и качества букв в вашем слове. BuyWord сочетает в себе базовую математику, управление капиталом и старомодное словообразование в простой, но элегантной смеси, которая позволяет каждому игроку участвовать в каждом ходе до самого конца. BuyWord - вторая игра из серии Sid Sackson Signature.
Игроков: 1 - 4
Длительность игры: 20 mn
Сложность: 2 / 5
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Краткие правила
- Each player starts with 200 dollars.
- Each players gets 8 wild tiles for 1 player, 4 for 2 players, 3 for 3 players and 2 for 4 players.
- At the start of each round, a die is thrown.
- The number on it is the number of tiles drawn by each player this round.
- If it is “choice”, the first player chooses a number from 2 to 5.
- Starting from the first player, each player may buy all or none of their drawn tiles.
- If you choose to buy all, pay an amount of money equal to the square of the total number of pips on them. Otherwise, discard them.
- Starting from the first player, each player may sell any number of words.
- If you want to play a word, discard the tiles needed and get an amount of money equal to the square of the total number of pips on them.
- A wild tile counts as any letter, but each word may only have one wild.
- At the end of the round, each player must discard down to 8 letters, excluding wilds.
- Afterwards, the last player becomes the first player and a new round is started.
End of the Game
- The last round starts when the last letter is drawn. If the tiles drawn cannot satisfy the requirements, they are all discarded.
- After all players sell their last words, the player with the most money wins.
- For solo, a score of $800 is considered a “fair” performance, $900 is “good” and $1000 is “outstanding.”