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Tutorial Makers
Tutorial Makers
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1 838 участников
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Инфо Tutorial Makers
Teach board games to the World!
This group gather all the BGA players who are contributing to teach board games to others by creating tutorials.
Here you may propose your tutorials for review, ask for help, give tips, and exchange with the other tutorial makers.
How to build a tutorial: https://boardgamearena.com/tutorialfaq
This group gather all the BGA players who are contributing to teach board games to others by creating tutorials.
Here you may propose your tutorials for review, ask for help, give tips, and exchange with the other tutorial makers.
How to build a tutorial: https://boardgamearena.com/tutorialfaq
1 838 участников
Обратите внимание: в этой группе слишком много участников, чтобы показать их всех.